Morr sells out. PART 2! Last edited: 25 Mar 09
God I really should get a seperate news site.
I don't know exactly why this took me so long... guess I didn't want to try to cash in with a dead comic. But I got over that...
Shirts reappear!
Spreadshirt shop.Now, I can't quarantee the quality of these right now. Since I don't exactly understand what they mean when they talk about their printing options. So any early buyers... let me know if they're absolutely horrible.Well heard from a few who said the shirts are good. So I guess it's safe.
Also note that you can pick the shirt color of the basic flame logo shirts... er somehow. One of the logos has a white outline so it can be put on dark shirts.
Spreadshirt would let me to set up a seperate shop for europeans, but the european version of the site doesn't offer the printing option I'm using and I never could figure out how to do those fancier things. So you either have to pay the horrific shipping price or wait untill furthre notice that may never come.
And again, thanks to anyone who bought a shirt before. Really appriciated.
I'm afraid of giving any news on the comic because I would just dissapoint you.
OLD updates:
Here's the old news about the comic:
This is not a reboot or a change or anything like that. This is actually one of the ideas I came up with when I thought about making an april fools thing.
I'm just putting this here because... I didn't get any other page done.
I also made it as a "thank you for the 250k hits" on